Software used to create and use maps, compile geographic data, analyze mapped information, share and discover geographic information, and much more
Software used to create and use maps, compile geographic data, analyze mapped information, share and discover geographic information, use maps and geographic information in a range of applications, and manage geographic information in a database
Arc GIS Desktop :-
Arc GIS Desktop consists of three parts through which any task related to geographic information systems can be applied. These three parts are:
1- Arc Map program, which is considered the central program of the system. Arc GIS Desktop performs many functions, including working on maps, editing and displaying them, displaying their digital data, dealing with layers, and adding some elements to maps such as scale and map legend.
2- Arc Catalog is a program that helps organize and manage GIS data. It also contains tools for browsing and searching for geographic information, and it records and displays documentary information related to GIS files.
3- The Arc Toolbox program is a simple program that contains GIS tools. This program converts between different formats of GIS files. There are two versions of this program, the first supports the conversion of 150 formats of these files. This program comes with the Arc Info system and the program The other supports converting 30 types of these files and comes with the Arc View program.
These three programs are designed to interact with each other to implement all GIS tasks. For example, you can search for a GIS file using the Arc Catalog program. This file was opened, viewed and analyzed in the Arc Map program by double-clicking on the file and then editing and improving this file by Tools available in Arc Map Then you can use Arc Toolbox to export this file to another type.
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